
New Leadership Training for Community Engagement Practitioners


LISC is launching a new training program specifically designed for community engagement practitioners in Milwaukee

The LISC Community Engagement Training offers practitioners a comprehensive training curriculum designed to build meaningful relationships with residents and activate community change. Trainings feature local and national best practices, allow for dynamic discussion, and offer helpful tools. The deadline for application is Friday, June 8th, 2018. 


Training Dates and Times: Classes meet bi-weekly starting Tuesday, June 26th, for two and a half hours per class. The time will be mutually decided by the class. Dates include June 26th, July 10th, July 24, August 7, August 21, and September 4th. 

Application Criteria: LISC is looking for people currently working as community engagement practitioners in the City of Milwaukee. Preference will be given to those working with low to moderate income communities. 

Contact: Bess Earl at, 414-930-1758 for more information. 

Apply Now!!!

Community Engagement Training Curriculum

  1. Building a Framework: Defining power, organizing goals, facilitating community meetings, block club formation.

  2. Storytelling: developing neighborhood stories, call to action and structuring your story online.

  3. Communication & Marketing: Data management, presentation framework, using technology and developing accessible information.

  4. Deeping Resident Engagement: engaging residents based on hierarchy of needs, community engagement spectrum and resident leadership.

  5. Civic Engagement: developing civic engagement and applying strategies, presentation from the Milwaukee Election Commission.

  6. Neighborhood Plans: review of national neighborhood plans and how to hold partners accountable.