
Purpose and Dedication: Celebrating Women Working to Strengthen the Cincinnati Region

Julie McGuire, Program Assistant, LISC Greater Cincinnati

Women’s History Month is a time to reflect on the amazing women throughout history who have made an impact. This year, the women of LISC Cincinnati wanted to take time to recognize women leaders in the local community who are making waves and working to change the course of the region.

Kristen Baker recognizes Alicia Townsend

Since 1988, when she began work at First National Bank, Alicia Townsend has been making ripples throughout the fabric of Cincinnati not only with her experience in banking but as a catalyst for change for small business. Alicia was the first Executive Director of the Greater Cincinnati Microenterprise Initiative, spent time at the City of Cincinnati managing the Small Business and Office of Contract Compliance, and with Cincinnati Development Fund working in lending. For the last decade, however, Alicia has served as the Vice President, Regional Community Affairs Manager at U.S. Bank and is a valued member of LISC’s Local Advisory Committee.

Alicia brings a focused sense of purpose and intentionality to her work, and never fails to ask the important questions of community and partners to ensure racial equity is the centerpiece of community development. I suspect there’s rarely a room Alicia enters where someone doesn’t consider her as a role model, mentor, or friend. Beyond her numerous professional accomplishments and civic contributions, I greatly admire the ways she prioritizes and supports her family amidst the many demands on her time. I look to women like Alicia who show us how to lead with courage and conviction.

Valerie Daley recognizes Sister Sally Duffy

I have known Sister Sally Duffy since 2010 when I first began working on the Place Matters initiative. Sister Sally is a passionate woman, especially when it comes to advocating for quality, affordable housing in Price Hill and Cincinnati. Despite having retired in 2017, she still regularly attends housing advocacy groups that promote homeownership opportunities and improvement to the City’s housing stock, especially for Price Hill families. Sister Sally is also a valued and active member of the LISC Cincinnati Local Advisory Committee, where her institutional knowledge and perspectives are respected and appreciated.

Sister Sally Duffy was named as one of four of the Great Living Cincinnatians for 2024. Great Living Cincinnatians are recognized by the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber for their service to the community, leadership, business, and civic attainment on a local, state and national or international level, awareness of the needs of others, and distinctive accomplishments that have brought favorable attention to their community, institution, or organization. Life and passion to serve took Sister Sally across the country, but in 2000 she came back to Cincinnati to lead the SC Ministry Foundation, until her retirement in 2017. She has helped thousands of people reduce poverty and advocated for quality affordable housing. To Sister Sally, though, this was not just a career for her – it is a ministry and testament to her faith, which is why she continues to work with organizations across the Cincinnati area to help make the world a better place.

Taren Kinebrew recognizes Jan-Michele Lemon Kearney

I would like to acknowledge Vice Mayor Jan-Michele Lemon Kearney.  What I have found to be remarkable about her is that first she is a wife and mom.  Those roles spill over into her concern and compassion for Cincinnati.  She is a woman who listens and shows up to all sorts of events regardless of the size.  She is an encourager and cheerleader for all.  Vice Mayor Kearney sees people and that is to be commended.  She is thoughtful, I feel, in her approach to the concerns of the City of Cincinnati. 

As a part of Cincinnati City Council, she is currently the chair of the Neighborhoods committee, and serves on Budget & Finance, Law & Public Safety, Major Projects & Smart Government, and Education & Growth.  Fun fact and quite amazing is that she graduated in the same class as her friend, President Barack Obama.  They both attended Harvard University.  She practiced law with the firm of Taft, Stettinius and Hollister, then branched out into a solo law career when she helped to start the multi-media publishing company, KGL Media Group, Inc. d.b.a Sesh Communications.  Sesh owns the award- winning Cincinnati Herald and the popular annual Daddy-Daughter Dinner Dance, the BRIGHT Awards 18-30 year olds, and the Nefertiti Awards for outstanding women. 

Julie McGuire recognizes Rachel Hastings

Rachel Hastings, Executive Director of Price Hill Will is a force for good in Cincinnati. She is passionate about her work in Price Hill, helping residents create a better community and better lives for themselves. Rachel is one of the first Community Development Corporation (CDC) directors I had the pleasure to work with when I began at LISC almost two years ago. I admire her career-long dedication to community development; prior to coming to Price Hill Will in 2018, she worked with The Center for Great Neighborhoods of Covington for twenty-two years.

Not only do I admire Rachel for her dedication and passion for community development, but also, I admire her as a woman and a mother. She successfully navigates the joys and stresses of parenting two teenagers (and a pup!) and somehow manages to make time for travel and enjoying life with her friends and family when she is not advocating for the residents and business owners in Price Hill. As I continue to grow in my career, I can only hope to become more like Rachel.