
Kelvin James Joins LISC LA LAC

Kelvin James is the Senior Vice President and CRA Compliance Officer for Manufacturer's Bank, headquartered in Los Angeles, CA.  In his role, he is responsible for supporting the Bank's team and program for all related activities, researching, and maintaining knowledge of laws and guidance related to CRA compliance.  Kelvin and his team provide subject matter expertise to the Bank's lines of business, managing the controls and recordkeeping as evidence of the Bank's internal CRA policy and regulatory reporting requirements, complying with all Bank policies and procedures. 

Kelvin resides in Southern California and has worked in the financial services field for over 30 years, serving communities in the West, Midwest, Southeast, and East in management, operations and sales. The most recent years have focused on community development activities in affordable housing for ownership and rental housing for low- and moderate-income (LMI) communities and people experiencing homelessness.

Kelvin joined the LISC LA LAC inspired by our program activities and confident he could contribute due to his experience in community reinvestment act (CRA) compliance management as well as national and regional impact in LMI communities. He is motivated to continue Manufacturer’s Bank’s years of community impact from his predecessor, Nancy Huntington (who recently retired from the LAC and the Bank), through LISC LA and LAC’s growth in economic development activities with small businesses.

When asked about his goals as a LISC LA LAC member, he said, “Continued growth in community impact, particularly economic development with small businesses, and growth of LISC LA’s financial strength to sustain its mission serving LMI and underserved communities and their economic development needs."