MAP Farmhouse

About the project

Started by neighborhood residents on Buffalo’s West Side in 1992, the Massachusetts Avenue Project (MAP) was incorporated in 2000 to address the growing land vacancy, high youth unemployment and food security needs of the community. Today, MAP provides jobs and job training to over 550 underserved inner-city youth, as well as develops and implements models for sustainable urban food production, which increases healthy food access, and strengthens partnerships to promote regional food system development.

MAP is headquartered in Buffalo, NY.

LISC provided MAP with $1,360,000 in construction financing to aid in the development of the MAP Farmhouse Community Food Training and Resource Center (MAP Farmhouse), which will be located at 387 Massachusetts Avenue, on the west side of Buffalo, NY. The project will entail the new construction of a multi-use, community food hub designed to remedy food deserts, provide food-related job training to community members and youth, and improve nutrition throughout Buffalo’s low income neighborhoods. Eighty-nine percent of the total area of the Farmhouse building will be dedicated to MAP’s programming and operations and the remaining 11% will be used to create to two studio apartments affordable at 80% AMI or below.

More LISC Lending's Project Profiles


Massachusetts Avenue Project


Buffalo, NY

Total Investment:

$1.36 million


2 units
9,700 square feet

Project Category:

Food Security


Construction loan
