Housing Preservation

Preserving existing housing stock is essential for maintaining the character and history of neighborhoods while offering stability to residents, especially in culturally significant areas like Seattle's Central District. This preservation effort is crucial for building generational wealth, particularly in communities that have faced historic and systemic barriers to homeownership. By maintaining homes within families, there is an opportunity for appreciation in value, providing a source of equity and financial stability for future generations.

LISC Puget Sound is actively partnering with the Amazon Housing Equity Fund and the Black Home Initiative to assist homeowners in preserving their homes. Through a focus on preservation, protection, and production of properties, the aim is to create generational wealth for local families. In 2024, LISC Puget Sound is expanding its efforts to provide home repair and preservation services in historically black neighborhoods. The goal is to preserve homeownership for legacy homeowners, enhance the capacity of community-based organizations to serve hundreds of homeowners with legal and financial services, and develop policies that sustain homeownership.

This focus on preserving homes not only safeguards physical assets but also fosters economic empowerment, breaking cycles of poverty and promoting community resilience. Anticipating and addressing displacement due to rapid growth and gentrification is crucial to preventing the disruption of lives and communities. In addition to the work in Seattle, LISC Puget Sound is implementing strategies across the region to protect against displacement and promote affordable housing, helping communities thrive amidst economic and demographic shifts.

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