Neighborhood Development Fund

In many instances, non-profit community-based organizations and Community Development Corporations (CDC) are the key groups that support local neighborhoods to combat adversity and access opportunity. These front-line partners help preserve and support neighborhood vitality, address key needs and prepare for changing demands.  

Safe, decent, and affordable housing is foundational to neighborhood vitality, health equity and economic development — and LISC has invested millions of dollars in neighborhoods across Rhode Island to improve the quality and availability of housing. But that's just part of what our partners do. 

Thriving communities also offer access to healthy foods, decent schools, safe and well maintained parks, a clean environment, technological interconnectivity, robust transportation options, responsive government, and living-wage jobs. LISC is committed to assisting non-profits engaged in this important work by supporting their efforts through the Neighborhood Development Fund which supports:

  • Internal capacity building, including hiring or augmenting specialized staff and technology to leverage organizational competencies.
  • Planning and assessment capacity building, including providing technical assistance and resources to help identify unmet community needs and assessment of the potential strategies to address those needs.
  • Programmatic capacity building, including the creation of community interventions and collaborations necessary to implement those interventions. 

LISC recognizes the imperative to promote social justice across our footprint and affirms the desire that all programs and strategies support inclusiveness and diversity of all communities.

The Neighborhood Development Fund application is now open. Please download the following information to apply.

LISC will conduct an optional informational conference call Friday, March 29 at 10 a.m. EDT to discuss the RFP and provide answers to questions. The call-in number is (844) 845-5512. Access code is #62948.  Participation in the call is NOT a requirement for application to the NDF grant program. 

Download the following:


Jeremiah O'Grady, Senior Program Officer, Lending