CHAM Webinar: Year 15 Dispositions: Navigating the Challenges with Purchase Options and Rights of First Refusal

The initial 15-year compliance period is expiring for thousands of affordable Housing Credit units annually. Subsequently, the volume of dispositions is growing each year and it is critical that Asset Managers understand specific issues and nuances with these transactions. Asset Managers are an integral part of the disposition negotiation, working with stakeholders on extended use while ensuring the integrity of the Housing Credit Program long term. This webinar focuses on the real-world challenges with dispositions including Right of First Refusal, Purchase Options, Exit Taxes Valuation and Aggregators.

After presenting the 10 Red Flags in LIHTC Deals, panelists asked the audience their takeaways from the session. Only 18% felt that their properties were going to be okay. Three-quarters of the participants said they needed to know their documents better, 41% said they see red flags they need to pay attention to, and 44% said they are going to find out more about their current investors. 

Most of the audience members were novices and many people asked technical questions we couldn’t get to in the time allotted. We suggest for a good grounding in Year 15 dispositions, that you check out the Enterprise webinar Year 15: Transition Strategies for Expiring LIHTC Properties.

You can view the recording and handouts on the CHAM website.
