Cindy Larson

3.08.2022 -

Investing in Child Care Fuels Women-owned Businesses & Racial Equity

LISC and Procter & Gamble are partnering on a new grant program that will help child care providers in three states grow their businesses—particularly those led by women of color. On International Women’s Day, we are celebrating these investments in equity, family stability and vibrant community-based enterprises, all contributing to strong local economies.


As the Pandemic Eases, Can Philanthropy Help Lift Up Child Care?

The onset of new public resources dedicated to child care is a godsend to families and providers hit hard by pandemic losses. But it is really only a fraction of what is needed to build, expand and upgrade facilities around the country. LISC’s Cindy Larson takes a closer look at how philanthropy and CDFIs can work together to not only provide flexible capital to this vital industry, but to also offer development expertise and planning support that can help maximize the impact of public investments as well.


LISC Launches Pilot Program for “Co-located” Child Care Centers

The pandemic has shined a bright light on the importance of child care to local economies throughout the country. But, as LISC’s Cindy Larson points out in a new blog, it has long been a critical issue with regard to racial, gender and economic equity as well. A new LISC program, with support from Pivotal Ventures, is helping fuel innovation in child care facilities development to address significant gaps in service, building on decades of work to benefit families, providers and communities.