Climate change


The Inflation Reduction Act’s Climate Investments and What They Mean for Community Development

The Inflation Reduction Act, a sweeping health care, climate and tax package signed into law in August, presents groundbreaking opportunities to combat environmental injustices. LISC’s Mark Kudlowitz examines how the new law can impact community development and revitalize communities that have long suffered disproportionate impacts from climate change.

4.14.2022 -

Spotlight on Climate Justice

Drawing on a long history of environmental justice organizing led by BIPOC, immigrant, and low-income communities, and an even longer history of Indigenous land stewardship practices grounded in relationships and reciprocity, the climate justice movement is repairing inequities and cultivating community-led solutions to the climate crisis. This LISC Institute Spotlight highlights climate justice resources for community development practitioners.

4.14.2022 -

With Climate Justice for All: Community Action to Mitigate Climate Change and Build Equitable Green Futures

There are many ways to pursue climate justice, from grassroots actions to lobbying Congress. This LISC Institute Spotlight article focuses on three: Dealing with the climate-related challenges that are impacting people now, preparing for future impacts from storms and other events, and ensuring a place for lower income people in the new “green economy.”

5.06.2021 -

Reaching Our Climate Goals Demands Affordable, Sustainable Housing

In an opinion piece for Next City, LISC’s Madeline Fraser Cook, together with partners from Enterprise, RMI and the California Housing Partnership, make the case for ramping up investment in green, affordable housing. A commitment to creating sustainable homes, they argue, is imperative to addressing the country's housing crisis and to close income and health gaps as well as slow climate change.