
Spotlight on Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation

Rural LISC is pleased to recognize the dedication and the remarkable support provided by the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation (WRF) to Arkansas nonprofits, including Rural LISC’s community-based organization (CBO) partners:  Boys, Girls, Adults Community Development Center, Inc. (BGACDC) in Marvell, Delta Community Development & Law Center, Inc. (DCDLC) in Little Rock and Mississippi County, Arkansas Economic Opportunity Commission, Inc. (MCAEOC) in Blytheville.  Together, these CBOs serve a five county area in the Arkansas Delta region.

Persistent poverty and household incomes at percentages far less than the national average, as well as similarly bleak educational and health outcomes, make the Arkansas Delta one of the most disadvantaged areas of the country. Here, services and resources that can address critical shortages are oftentimes inadequate to match the severity of the need.

Over the past 45 years, the Foundation has been working to address that need, implementing its vision of bringing prosperity to Arkansas.  Based in the legacy of Governor Winthrop Rockefeller who served as Governor of Arkansas from 1967 to 1971, and whose commitment, courage, and collaboration created systemic change across the state, that vision took a new strategic direction this year with AR Equity 2025, a Foundation-wide initiative promoting statewide economic, educational, social, ethnic and racial equity giving all Arkansans the opportunity to have jobs that pay a livable wage, a quality education and the chance to thrive and prosper. 

The Foundation’s success is based in its persistent participation in activities that can effect change – education, economic development, social justice initiatives – as well as through developing collaborative partnerships with nonprofit organizations to ensure they have the necessary support to effectively provide services for Arkansas residents. 

Over the past 45 years, the Foundation has been working to implement its vision of bringing prosperity to Arkansas.
Over the past 45 years, the Foundation has been working to implement its vision of bringing prosperity to Arkansas.

Currently, a collaboration among WRF, Rural LISC, and partner organizations BGACDC, DCDLC and MCAEOC is deploying resources and services focused in the Arkansas Delta.  The relationships that form the core of this effort have been essential to creating a conduit for provision of vital services and resources, via the CBOs, to local residents. Along with financial resources, and technical assistance, BGACDC, DCDLC, and MCAEOC are given a series of trainings to assist in capacity building efforts. Most recently, Rural LISC received a two-year grant of $160,000 from WRF to help execute a capacity-building strategy for BGACDC, DCDLC, and MCAEOC. Since receiving the grant, Rural LISC has matched WRF’s grant with $569,766 in other funds, leveraging more than $1.9 million toward the effort.

“It does not come as a surprise that thanks to the Foundation’s funding, successes and stories of change are increasingly heard in the Arkansas Delta.”
— Suzanne Anarde, LISC Vice President and Rural LISC Director

“The generous support of the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation has undoubtedly been instrumental in the effectiveness of our three partner organizations' work in the Arkansas Delta,” said Suzanne Anarde, LISC Vice President and Rural LISC Director.  “In close collaboration with Rural LISC staff, they are advancing efforts to bring affordable housing, economic and workforce development and education to the region.”  She added that the Foundation's funding has also created an avenue for Rural LISC to deliver significant technical assistance – through increased communications, fund development, economic and workforce development and financial management capacity.  “It does not come as a surprise,” she said, “that thanks to the Foundation’s support, successes and stories of change are increasingly heard throughout the Arkansas Delta.”

For example, BGACDC used Foundation funding to support their Delta Creative Economy Project, which sought to catalyze economic development in Marvell by inspiring residents to create and market visual, performing arts and creative products celebrating the history and uniqueness of the Arkansas Delta. BGACDC provided the maker space for these artists to begin to participate in and build a local Delta creative economy. The Rural LISC grant helped BGACDC fund staff time, consultants and program-related supplies as part of the overall strategy of building a creative economy in Marvell. 

BGACDC used Foundation funding to support the Delta Creative Economy Project which aims to spur economic development in Marvell by inspiring residents of all ages to create and market visual, performing arts and creative products celebrating the history and uniqueness of the Arkansas Delta.
BGACDC used Foundation funding to support the Delta Creative Economy Project which aims to spur economic development in Marvell by inspiring residents of all ages to create and market visual, performing arts and creative products celebrating the history and uniqueness of the Arkansas Delta.

In another example, in Phillips County, DCDLC performed safety inspections and energy audits in more than 50 homes and provided information to educate residents about healthy housing principles and the dangers of lead paint. DCDLC also continued its work rehabilitating or rebuilding homes owned by low-income families, performing home inspections and fixing code violations around health and safety risks.

In Mississippi County, an economically and culturally deprived persistent poverty region with low income, high unemployment, a high rate of illiteracy and an unskilled workforce – where nearly 25 percent of residents live below the poverty level – MCAEOC is utilizing leveraged funds to create a better quality of life for residents. With Rural LISC capacity-building support made possible through WRF funds, MCAEOC is offering one-on-one financial counseling focusing on solving families' and individuals’ immediate financial issues, as well as achieving their long-term financial goals, and building or rebuilding their credit.

The Foundation’s support has been essential in enabling Rural LISC to help its Arkansas CBO partners in making important and lasting changes in the communities they serve.  This support will continue to enable Rural LISC to maintain a high level of service and technical assistance for these organizations that are producing exemplary programs and services for lower-income residents. WRF funds matched with Rural LISC will provide resources for capacity-building grants, including training scholarships, predevelopment grants, repayable project investments, and one-on-one technical assistance, Seminar Trainings, low-cost loans, lines of credit and access to low-income housing equity funds.

Rural LISC is grateful to the Foundation for its ongoing support over the years, helping us to support our partner CBOs’ work to improve rural communities, making them good places to live, work, do business and raise children.  Over the next year, Rural LISC plans to continue providing direct technical assistance and training to these organizations, ensuring that their programs and services can continue to bring growth and prosperity to the Arkansas Delta.


Visit the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation website to learn more.

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