
Housing Development: What's Ahead in 2024

Happy New Year! As we bid farewell to 2023 and welcome a new year, there’s an electrifying sense of anticipation in the air at LISC Houston. Our commitment to fostering vibrant communities remains unwavering. In 2023 we collected several wins with $82k for capacity building disbursed to 9 organizations for technical assistance and organizational development. We also launched Supporting Empowered Emerging Developers SEED Academy - 25 emerging developers of color in conjunction with Grow America (NDC). And raised $105k in recoverable/forgivable grants for SEED participants. Through the Harris County Homeownership Collaborative, we have reduced barriers to homeownership for the BIPOC community by creating 1,126 net new BIPOC homeowners, and preserving 103 homeowners in Harris County. Now we are gearing up to amplify our efforts, channeling our energies towards groundbreaking initiatives that will continue to address the disparities in housing and real estate development in the Houston/Harris County area.

In 2024, we will move the Harris County Homeownership Collaborative steadfastly towards our goal of 5,000 net new BIPOC homeowners through leveraging data-driven insights and refining our strategies to address emerging challenges. In housing development, we have three main priorities.

In conclusion, 2024 is poised to be a pivotal year for housing development. With a focus on diversity, empowerment, collaboration, and precision-driven strategies, we are laying the foundation for a more inclusive and prosperous future.

For more information, contact Jason Grant at