KQEDCalifornia Churches Want to Build Affordable Housing on Their Land, So Why Is It So Hard?

8/18/2022- Churches and other mission-driven institutions that want to build affordable housing for their communities on land they own face a punitively complex and fraught development process, with an enormous learning curve.

BerkeleysideSouth Berkeley Black churches are building affordable housing on their properties

3/13/2022- Historically Black churches in Berkeley are building affordable housing on their properties as part of the new Adeline corridor plan, creating new units for low-income, senior and homeless residents.

PlanetizenLeveraging Church Properties to Build Affordable Housing

6/16/2021- As owners of valuable urban real estate, some churches are taking up the mandate to serve their community by using their vacant properties to provide housing for people being priced out of their homes.

NPH Affordable Housing Conference- Seeking Racial Equity in Faith-Based Development

10/02/2020- BALISC Program Officer Laurel Engbretson hosted a panel workshop at the 41st annual (virtual) NPH Affordable Housing Conference on September 25th. Below is a recap of that conversation...

Bloomberg CityLabChurches Are Building Housing Developments ‘in God’s Back Yard’

7/13/2020-The coronavirus is devastating churches' finances. Affordable housing could provide an answer.  

Terner CenterMapping the Potential and Identifying the Barriers to Faith-Based Housing Development

5/2020- As cities grapple with where and how to build more affordable housing, identifying land that could support new development has become a top priority. One option that offers a potential solution: expanding the ability of religious institutions to build housing on their land.​

New York TimesInside the Bay Area’s Geriatric Homeless Shelter

4/23/2020- There are some 28,000 homeless residents in this region. Thousands are senior citizens. Mr. Deloney had found refuge in the only homeless shelter in the Bay Area dedicated to serving seniors.

CurbedChurches Divine a New Role: Housing Development

02/04/2020- New city programs helping mission-based groups turn unused land into housing take aim at the affordability crisis

LISC Press Release- Alameda County Announces $1 million Fund to Strengthen Local Nonprofits to Drive Affordable Housing

5/09/2019- Partnership with LISC, San Francisco Foundation will support faith-based and community-based organizations as they address critical housing shortfalls.