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Top Reads, Week of 2/25

Check out our top three reads of the week. They cover the challenges and opportunities facing American communities right now. This week, we’re delving into a ban on Detroit landlords asking potential renters about their criminal background, big tech companies that are getting involved in affordable housing, and how domestic workers are organizing for their rights.

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Making Sure Returning Citizens Get a ‘Fair Shot’ in Detroit’s Rental Market
By Oscar Perry Abello, Next City

“The new law, which takes effect in August, requires most rental housing in Detroit to follow a “ban the box” policy for returning citizens, covering everything from apartment complexes to single-family homes. Landlords with five or more units in their portfolio will no longer be allowed to ask potential renters about their criminal background until after the landlord has determined that the candidate is qualified to rent under all other phases of the application process. Landlords with less than five rental units in their portfolio are exempt from the law.” Continued [+]...

Will Google, Amazon and Facebook fix the affordable housing crisis?
By Marco della Cava, USA Today

“Ultimately, civic leaders and some tech leaders warn that ignoring housing issues is bad for business. San Francisco’s homeless problem already has caused some companies to plan lucrative conventions elsewhere, and an inviting urban core also is considered a key recruiting tool.” Continued [+]...

Out of the Shadows
By Lauren Hilgers, The New York Times

“The women the N.D.W.A. represents are diverse and scattered. There are more than two million domestic workers in the United States, most women of color and immigrants. They are housecleaners, nannies and health aides working in private homes, a majority making less than $13 an hour. It’s a work force that is extremely heterogeneous, largely invisible and subject to abuses that range from wage theft to sexual assault and outright human trafficking. (Poo has organized more than a handful of midnight escapes.)” Continued [+]..

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